Mastering Scrum To Become a Professional Remote Worker

7 min readOct 25, 2023

Learning through reflection on the experience gained, creates a continuous learning cycle in the software development team.

1 — What is Scrum ?

Scrum is a software development framework that is especially important for remote work because it provides transparency, effective communication, and rapid adaptation to change. Scrum ensures that team members stay involved and aware of project progress, even though they are working from different locations. Scrum can improve productivity and product quality but also encourage teams to make their own decisions, creating a collaborative and efficient work environment in an often complex and dynamic remote world.

2 — Waterfall Methodology

Previously, the first software development method generally used in the world was the waterfall model. The waterfall model was first introduced by Dr. Winston W. Royce in 1970 through his paper entitled “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems”. Although the waterfall model has limitations, such as a lack of flexibility to change and a lack of interaction with customers during the development process, it provides a foundation for project management practices that later evolve into a more complex and structured software development methodology. Including Agile and Scrum methods, it has been developed to overcome the shortcomings of the waterfall model.

3 — Agile

Scrum is a special implementation of Agile that deepens its principles in a structured manner. Agile is an approach that is based on the values and principles stated in the Agile Manifesto. These values prioritize individuals and interactions, software that works, collaboration with customers, and responding to change. Agile takes complexity in software development seriously and encourages teams to adapt to changing customer and market needs quickly and efficiently. Agile emphasizes the importance of open communication, collaboration, and the courage to try new approaches. This approach creates an environment where teams feel supported to innovate, learn from failures, and continuously improve product quality.

4 — How Scrum Fixes Waterfall

Scrum was first introduced by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber in the early 1990s. They developed this framework based on their experience in software development projects. However, Scrum only started to gain popularity and general acceptance as a working standard in the mid-to-late 2000s.

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There is a paradigm commonly known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which is iterative and incremental. In this paradigm, software development is considered an ongoing process, primarily because user needs and technology continue to evolve. The development team continuously makes updates, fixes, and improvements to the software to meet customer needs, fix bugs, and adopt new technologies. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum, implement this approach by using short iterations (sprints) and regular feedback from users or customers. In each iteration, the product is updated and improved, and priorities for subsequent work are set based on feedback and emerging needs. With this approach, software development is considered an ongoing process, where the product can always be improved and adapted to changing user needs and expectations.

Scrum improves the waterfall model by introducing the concept of defined sprints. The waterfall model is a linear and sequential software development approach, with each phase (analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance) carried out sequentially and the next phase starting after the completion of the previous phase. One of the main problems with the waterfall model is its inability to adapt quickly to changing user or market needs.

In Scrum, the software development approach is carried out in short iterations called sprints. Each sprint has a fixed duration, for example, two weeks. During this sprint, the development team concentrates on developing certain previously prioritized functionality. At the end of each sprint, the updated product is tested and checked, and feedback from customers or other stakeholders is incorporated into the planning for the next sprint. Thus, the sprint concept in Scrum allows teams to regularly evaluate progress, adjust priorities, and respond to changing needs more flexibly than in the waterfall model.

5 — Product Owner, Scrum Master And Scrum Team Member

In the Scrum framework, there are three main roles that play a key role in adaptive and collaborative product development. The function of this third role is to ensure transparency, inspections, and conditions throughout the development process. They work together to identify and overcome obstacles, improve product quality, and respond quickly to changing customer needs. Effective collaboration between the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Scrum team members is the key to success in product development using the Scrum framework.

Product Owner

The Product Owner’s function is to design the product vision, determine the features to be developed, and manage the Product Backlog. They are responsible for understanding customer needs, ensuring that the team develops features that provide maximum business value, and making decisions about what to include in each development iteration.

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master functions as a service leader for the Scrum team. They are responsible for facilitating Scrum practices, removing barriers, and ensuring that the team understands and follows Scrum principles. The Scrum Master also supports team development by providing training, providing feedback, and facilitating effective interactions among all team members.

Scrum Team Member

Scrum team members are experts who work directly on product development. They receive tasks from the Product Backlog, collaborate with teammates, and work with a focus on achieving the Sprint goal. They are also responsible for creating a product that is ready to use after each development iteration.

6 — Scrum Sprint Cycle

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— Product Backlog

The Product Owner has a big responsibility in managing the Product Backlog. They must not only identify product needs, but also detail each item in the backlog so the team has a clear understanding. The Product Owner must always focus on customer needs and market changes to ensure the backlog remains relevant.

— Sprint Planning

In Sprint Planning, the Product Owner brings the product vision and Product Backlog to the table, helping the team to understand short-term priorities and goals. The Scrum Master serves as a facilitator, ensuring that the process runs smoothly, and the Scrum Team collaboratively selects items from the backlog to execute during the Sprint. This is the moment where a shared understanding and team commitment to the Sprint goal is established

— Scrum Team Daily Standup

These daily meetings provide an opportunity for each team member to share updates regarding their progress, upcoming work, and obstacles they are facing. The Scrum Master plays a role in removing these obstacles, while the Scrum Team remains focused on the Sprint goal and works coordinately.

Usually each team member answers three main questions.

#What Have You Done Yesterday ?

Team members share what they have done since the previous daily meeting. This includes work completed, problems resolved, and any progress made.

#What Will You Do Today?

Each team member explains the tasks they have planned for the day. They mention the work they will complete or the tasks they will start. This gives the entire team an idea of what to expect on the day.

#Are there any obstacles hindering your progress ?

Team members talk about obstacles or problems they are facing that may be hindering their progress. This could include technical issues, dependencies with other people or teams, or any other type of obstacle that hinders their work.

— Sprint Review

At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team shows off the work completed. This becomes the platform where collaboration between the Scrum Team and the Product Owner reaches its peak, with the Product Owner assessing results and making decisions regarding product releases based on the value generated by the team.

— Sprint Retrospective

The Sprint Retrospective is a time for the Scrum Team for deep reflection. They share experiences, identifying what works and what needs improvement. The Scrum Master facilitates discussions to ensure that understanding is gained and necessary improvements are identified, ensuring continuous evolution and improvement in the team’s work processes.


In Scrum, the Product Owner’s role is managing the Product Backlog, Sprint Planning involves collaboration between the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Scrum Team to select priority tasks. The Scrum Team Daily Standup facilitates daily communication, the Sprint Review involves joint evaluation of the Scrum Team and Product Owner for release decisions, while the Sprint Retrospective allows reflection and improvement. Scrum’s success lies in a collaborative balance between the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Scrum Team, forming the basis for adaptive and responsive product development.




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