The Story About the Ubuntu Asia x Libre Office Asia 2023 Conference

3 min readOct 20, 2023

LOUCA23 is an event organized by the LibreOffice ID and Ubuntu ID Community to gather activists, contributors, users, communities, and businesses related to Linux and Open Source Software (OSS) in the Asian region. The event hosts various types of activities, including workshops, keynote speeches, parallel classes, panel discussions, and other activities related to LibreOffice and Ubuntu. Discussion topics include developments in OSS technology involving Linux. This event not only provides a platform to share knowledge and experience but is also an opportunity to network, collaborate, and advance the development of OSS technology in the Asian region. By involving various parties, including students, professionals, and government, LOUCA23 becomes a productive and inspiring forum for the exchange of ideas and innovation in the world of Linux and OSS.

Below are several discussion classes that I attended

A Quick Guide to Contribute to Open Source Documentation

As developers, we can not only use Open Source projects. We can also contribute to the project. The more people contribute, the better the application will be and can help more people. Clear and concise documentation makes it easier for people to understand and use open source projects. This discussion discusses how we can contribute to open source documentation effectively. Contributing to documentation is a very impactful way to get involved in an open source project.

LibreOffice Certification Program for Professional Developers, Migration Consultants and Trainers

Migration to LibreOffice Technology within the scope of professional applications is a complex task, encompassing both technical and non-technical aspects involving a number of challenges and strategic decisions. This process not only involves moving from one system to another, but also involves adapting to various elements, from technical infrastructure to cultural changes within the organization.

Getting Involved with Ubuntutting Involve with Ubuntu

Ubuntu, as an open-source project, provides ample opportunities for everyone who wants to participate and contribute, although for beginners, it may seem challenging to get started. In this talk, focus is placed on various methods of contributing to Ubuntu, from software development, packaging, translation, and support on IRC and forums to local community organizations. The presentation includes concrete ways, such as code improvements, bug fixes, and ensuring the software can be accessed by various levels of society through translation.

Easy Ways to Setup a Webinar (or Other Live Session) Using OBS Studio on Ubuntu

In an era of ever-growing virtual collaboration, hosting webinars is an important skill for programmers who want to share knowledge and connect with a wider audience. In this session we discuss a practical guide on how to prepare an interesting live session using OBS Studio on the Ubuntu operating system.

Ubuntu Security Best Practices on Cloud

Overall, Ubuntu security in the cloud is a vital foundation for securing business operations, protecting customer data, and maintaining user trust in the services provided in the cloud environment.

OK, here’s a little story about me attending LOUCA23




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